I live here, online.
Primary goal: permanence
The primary goal of this site is to be my main presence online in the long term. I want my contact information and my writing to be findable here.
I want to avoid components of this site that might require ongoing maintenance. This site stayed up throughout some brutal battles with rsi in part because there was nothing that could go wrong and require me to step in and keep it up.
Other sites I have operate under less severe requirements. For instance, Interpersonal allows me to use this site as login for IndieAuth, and it has server-side logic components. However, if the worst happened and Interpersonal was found to be insecure and need to be taken offline until maintenance could be performed, or the server I’m running its logic on were to go down, my main site would stay up.
For this reason I also don’t host my own mail, though I am tempted to do it sometimes to gain more control. Instead, I use (and endorse) Fastmail.
- Built with Hugo
- Hugo environment:
- From commit:
- Hugo environment:
- Hosted on Netlify
- Avatar by @memoryDevice
- Twemoji copyright Twitter, CC-BY 4.0. The original work has been modified.
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - http://fontawesome.io versions 4 and 5, variously under SIL OFL 1.1, CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY 4.0
- IcoMoon Free Version copyright Keyamoon.com, under CC-BY 4.0
- teleport copyright Lucas Helle, under CC-BY 3.0. The original work has been modified.
- Yinit font licensed public domain
- Lato font licensed under Open Font License
- Ephesis font licensed under Open Font License
- Sail font licensed under Open Font License
- Fira Code font licensed under Open Font License
- UnifrakturCook copyright j. ‘mach’ wust, licensed under Open Font License
- 2024-09-04: Add site search to the main page
- 2024-09-01: Add the TIL section and serve separate feeds for each chonological section
- 2024-08-13: SVG sprites via
rather than via<img>
- 2024-08-12: Added automatic posting to @micahrl@mastodon.social via https://mastofeed.org
- 2024-08-02: Improve responses: add list of responses elsewhere, improve webmention.io and remark42 performance
- 2024-07-26: Add XSL for /sitemap.xml
- 2024-07-18: Improve performance:
SVGs instead of web fonts,
separate SVG files for sprites instead of inline
elements, preload styles/dns/etc in<head>
- 2024-07-07: Add a newsletter
- 2024-01-09: Support web archive files
- 2023-09-08: Migrate from GitHub to Sourcehut for repository hosting, to use builds.sr.ht CI to automatically publish the onion site
- 2023-08-13: Add webmentions with webmention.io
- 2023-08-11: Add comments with remark42
- 2022-10-25: Add
headers, so visiting the site in Tor Browser will show an.onion available
banner, see also the update on the Sacred Ground post - 2022-10-11: Add a section for webgardens
- 2022-04-12: Add tweet archive
- 2022-04-11: Start tracking this changelog (older entries will be spotty)
- 2022-04-09: Add dark mode
- 2022-04-09: Support inline tweets
- 2022-04-03: Update site design
- 2021-06-25: Add quicklinks
- 2021-06-23: Add Formulæ Technicæ
- 2021-03-10: Style the RSS feed
- 2021-03-08: Add inlined SVG sprites
- 2021-03-05: Add the technologies taxonomy for blog posts and projects
- 2020-07-23: Add the secret control panel
- 2020-07-07: Add Fathom Analytics
- 2020-02-18: Switch from GitHub Pages to Netlify (precise date is uncertain)
- 2017-03-22: Switch from Jekyll to Hugo
- 2016-05-08: Change domain from
(the subdomain was mandatory at the time for GitHub Pages) - 2014-04-30: Switch from ikiwiki to Jekyll, and from a repository and webserver hosted on my own VM to GitHub and GitHub Pages